Tuesday 10 December 2013

Development of Music Magazine Contents Page

I began the layout of my contents as i had planned it previously, with a larger picture for the headline story and the other pictures showing where in the magazine the features could be found. For the word contents I used the same font as the mast head to keep a theme running throughout the magazine, with the 'O' looking the same as it does on the cover.

I decided to edit the picture of the band so that it would become more vibrant and enhance the colours of the pictures that linked to make the page look more professional and aesthetically pleasing. I photoshopped around a picture of a guitarist for the band Biffy Clyro that I recently saw, so that I could layer it up. Again, the lighting for this picture connects with the other pictures. 

By adding a quote from the article that is interesting or exciting will draw the reader in, giving them a preview  of the whole feature. By putting it on top of the image it is clear to see that is the feature that the quote is from, and the colours link in with the colour theme of the front cover, bringing the whole magazine together. Also, by highlighting the word 'Glastonbury', a very famous and anticipated festival (especially with it having missed a year due to the Olympics) will attract further readers that may not be as interested in a new artist. With reference to this it may add more readers. 

At this point I have begun to add text to the page, making it look more realistic. The page is split into two 'features' and 'every issue', making it easier to locate specific articles for readers. There is a slight introduction to the headline story. Both headings have been spaced too make them clear as a title.

In this picture it shows thatI've continued editing in the text, with all the cover features including a brief description underneath. The title is shown to be larger and in a different colour to the description making them easily identifiable. 

This s the final version of my Contents pageThis is the final version of my contents page, and I am happy with it. The text is all in line, and ordered with the same font/colours/sizes to make it look professional. I like the way that the colours link and connects it with other aspects of the magazine (DPS and cover) through features such as the pull quote and the 'contents' title, which follows the brand name through. I think that I have also used social media well, showing clearly how to find the magazine online, adding to publicity and making it easier for readers to get immediate updates. 

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