Sunday, 17 November 2013


The second question that I asked allowed me to see what the most popular genre of music was, so that I could apply this to my magazine and meet the highest in demand, or possibly target a niche market if the results showed one to have a fan base. However the results were fairly evenly spread, with the most popular appearing 'indie/alternative', with rock and pop a joint second. Due to this result I will focus my magazine towards an indie/rock genre, as I think that there will be a similar audience for the two and the genres often mix within music (indie rock bands), and although joint with rock I will avoid the 'pop' genre, as I think a magazine of this genre would have to be marketed differently and aimed at a completely different demographic.
This question will help me with deciding on how often an issue should be, and as a result also help on how much to make the price of the magazine. The results for extremely often and very often were the same, which was a demand for a weekly magazine. The results for not very often were high, followed by often (once a month or more). From these results, I think I would conclude by issuing initially an issue every two weeks. This is because I think that the people that have responded to this survey is a generalization of the age group intending to be targeted and seeing what the results say, meaning that not all people will have an interest in music at all. For this reason, I think that the people that have responded with 'extremely and often' are the people obviously most interested in music. However, with results saying not very often and often, these need to be taken into account, and so I think that a fortnightly magazine would be best, as it can also be a lower price as dedicated readers will be buying two a month.

This question was 'What are your favourite features of a magazine?' The results show that clearly interviews are the favourite feature. This can help me decide a lot about my magazine, in what I will be promoting and advertising on the front cover, the headline, cover lines, main image and quotes, and also the double page spread I create as it will now meet demand and be an interview. Gossip and Celebrity stories is second, implying that when creating my front cover in particular I should advertise this. When creating my magazine, I do want it to be music focused rather than a tabloid magazine, however from this feedback I can possibly combine the two, giving a 'celebrity gossip including interview'? Free gifts are also shown to be popular, which I could also take into consideration when designing the front cover and promoting the contents of the magazine, and could advertise a free gift or competition, drawing in these readers. These are three main points I can take from this.

The next question is 'How did you gain your last music track. I have asked this question to work out the most popular kind of access to music, whether it's downloading, or purchasing real CD's or vinyls to see what kind of free gift or advertisment could be included to reach the largest audience. As a music magazine we cannot advertise for illegally youtube converting music, however, the results do show that CD's and downloads are very close. I think from this datat that it would be a good idea to use both, and by doing this meet the high demand for each group of people, one week offering a free musical download and the next a free CD, like MOJO does each week.

Question 6 also helped to define what sort of selling price to market my magazine at. From the results I would conclude that a sensible selling price would be around £2.30-50 as this is affordable for people that would want to be buying every issue.

This question allowed me to help design the actual layout of the magazine, and the content that will be advertised initially, and the way the content of the double page spread will be displayed, and how much text to include compared to pictures. The results came back to be equal, so I will try to incorporate this into my results when constructing my magazine.

Offering a free gift/competition for money off or to win something often brings in a larger market, so I asked this question to see if adding a free gift would increase sales of the magazine. The data shows that there would be larger sales if there was a free gift or offer advertised, so I shall take this into consideration when constructing 'Tones'.

Asking how old the person is allowed me to see what type of age category I was getting results off, allowing me to get an average and make a correlation between age and results. It shows that the mean age was 16-30, which includes the target market for my magazine. This proves that the results gained are valid as I can apply the results to the age range I'm targeting, and when creating my magazine can take the feedback and apply it.

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